继早前的4名国大生上诉至上诉庭要求宣判大专法令违宪后,上诉庭 终于在10月31日以2票对1票宣布推翻高庭的裁决,并在口头 裁决中表示,1971年大专法令第15(5)(a)条文违反联邦 宪法第10条文赋予人民言论、机会及结社自由的权利。
大专法令第15条文阐明,大专生不可向任何国内外政党表达支持、 同情或反对。1948年世界人权宣言及我国联邦宪法皆阐明每个人 都有结社和言论自由,人民皆享有平等的权利,因此同样身为我国国 民的大专生也应该享有同等的基本人权。大部分大学生已经达到拥有 投票权的法定年龄,因此大学生应当有权对任何政党表达自身的立场 ,并拥有参与政治和发表言论的自由。大学生绝对有能力对政党和候 选人进行判断和做出明智的决定,并通过民主选举选出国家领导人。 在国外留学的大专生没有受到大专法令的约束,所以国内的大专生在 联邦宪法下的言论、集会和结社自由也不应该被否决,大专生应该拥有自主权决定参政与否,让年轻的一群对国家政治有更深入的了解。
国大华裔学生理事会认同接触国家时事政治对我国青年非常重要,因为青年必须跟上时代的脚 步,了解及关心国家和社会所发生的事件,对时事课题发表建设性的 意见。政府应该给与大专生更大的言论空间,让大专生可以更加自由 地提出自身的看法,并让拥有投票权的大学生参与国家发展及民主进 程。大专生已经是具有成熟思想和受过高等教育的成年人,应该十分 清楚自己必须对本身的言行举止负责任。
大专生是充满理想和活力的年轻人,而且怀有贡献国家的热忱和抱负 ,因此他们应该得到对国家社会的良好认知及培养健康的政治主张和 思维,以便日后能够成为建设和发展国家的栋梁。早前政府已经宣布 废除内安法令,体现出进行国家改革的决心和意愿,如今法庭宣判1 971年大专法令第15(5)(a)条文违宪,所以是时候通过国 会修改大专法令,以维护我国的宪政精神,归还大专生参政的权力和 言论自由。
鉴于国大校方代表表示将会对上诉庭的决定作出上诉,本会希望联邦 法院可维持此项判决,并在此呼吁朝野议员们合作共同支持修改大专 法令并删除第15条文和其他限制大专生自由的条文,维护言论的结 社自由的基本人权,以展现出对我国最高法律的尊重,让大专生能获 得更大空间参与我国的民主进程。
林凯豪 副总秘书(二) 016-9409010
黄绍敏 总秘书 017-9139633
唐香云 外务副主席 016-7175038
陈羽雯 副总秘书(一) 012-7795573
Following the four UKM students who challenged
the Universities and University Colleges Act 1971 (UUCA), the court of appeal
has finally reached a 2-1 majority judgment to override the decision of high
court and said in the oral judgment that
the UUCA 1971 section 15 (5) (a) is against the Federal Constitution section 10
that states the citizens’ rights to freedom of speech, to assemble and to form
The Chinese Community Council(CCC) welcomes the decision of court of appeal and believes that the decision not only upholds the basic rights of the tertiary education students to be politically involved but also acts as a remarkable milestone for the democracy and human rights of our country. Although the verdict is not a court order, it definitely lights up the hope of the Universities and University Colleges students’ freedom to form association and take part in politics.
The Chinese Community Council(CCC) welcomes the decision of court of appeal and believes that the decision not only upholds the basic rights of the tertiary education students to be politically involved but also acts as a remarkable milestone for the democracy and human rights of our country. Although the verdict is not a court order, it definitely lights up the hope of the Universities and University Colleges students’ freedom to form association and take part in politics.
The UUCA 1971 section 15 provides that no
student shall express or do anything which may reasonably be construed as
expressing support for or sympathy with or opposition to any political party,
whether in or outside Malaysia. However, the 1948 Universal Declaration of
Human Rights and the Federal Constitution of Malaysia both state that everyone
has the right to form association and freedom of speech which mean the
Universities and University Colleges students should enjoy basic human rights
of equal rank. Most students has reached the legal age to vote and thus they
are rightful to express their stands in terms of any political party and to
participate in politics and to give speech freely as they are absolutely able
to judge the political parties and candidates before doing decision wisely in
order to select the country leaders through democracy election. Since the
tertiary education students studying abroad are not restricted by the UUCA, rights to freedom of speech, to assemble and to form association of those studying
locally should not be deprived too. They ought to possess the autonomy whether to
participate in politics or not.
The CCC agrees it is
indeed essential to be updated with the country’s current issues and politics
because youth must keep up with times, understand and care about happenings in
the country and society as well as to express constructive opinions regarding
to current issue topics so that they won’t be deserted by the society. It is
necessary that the government provides the Universities and University Colleges
students a larger opinion sphere in order that they can present their own views more
freely and take part in the development of the country and also democracy.
These students are highly educated adults with mature thinking who understand
clearly that they must be responsible for their own behaviours.
Universities and University Colleges students are energetic youth full with
ambitions and are passion about contributing to the country. They must have
sound awareness of the country and society besides cultivating healthy
political ideas and thinking as to be able to make contribution on building and
developing the country. The government’s determination to carry out country transformation
is reflected when the Internal Security Act (ISA) is abolished. Currently, the
court has made a judgment that the Universities and University Colleges Act
1971 section 15 (5) (a) is unconstitutional. It is time to amend this UUCA
in order to preserve the constitutional spirit of our country.
As the UKM spokesperson said that UKM will appeal the decision, the CCC hopes that the Federal Court would affirm the verdict and all lawmakers could collaboratively support to amend the UUCA and repeal section 15 and other section which restrict the freedom of the tertiary education students in order to defend basic human rights to freedom of speech and to form association, uphold the Federal Constitution and enable the students to get involved more freely in the democratization of our country.
As the UKM spokesperson said that UKM will appeal the decision, the CCC hopes that the Federal Court would affirm the verdict and all lawmakers could collaboratively support to amend the UUCA and repeal section 15 and other section which restrict the freedom of the tertiary education students in order to defend basic human rights to freedom of speech and to form association, uphold the Federal Constitution and enable the students to get involved more freely in the democratization of our country.
Chinese Community Council UKM
Lim Kai
Hau Assistant Secretary (2) 016-9409010
for English Version:
Wong Siew
Mun General Secretary 017-9139633
Tong Siang Yin Vice President(External) 016-7175038
Tan Yi
Wen Assistant Secretary (1) 012-7795573