

新学弟学妹“加料站”系列三 之 国民大学 宿舍村 (中篇)[Series of Add On Info for UKM Juniors #3: UKM Hostels-2nd part]

[COM D]第四宿舍村 Kolej Burhanuddin Helmi KBH/BURHAN

“不怕病的宿舍村”---宿舍位于Pusat Kesihatan对面而已。

Kolej Burhanuddin Helmi 一般上也被称为BurhanKBHBurhanuddin Helmi是一名著名的国家独立斗士和独立初期的著名政治家,曾担任回教党(PAS)的主席。(详情见:http://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burhanuddin_bin_Muhammad_Nur_al-Hilmi  

Burhan就在Kolej Ungku Omar 的隔壁,坐落在一座小山坡上,设计独特,环境优美。宿舍的对面就是国大诊疗所,看病方便。比起其他宿舍,KBH算是靠近校园大门口。

Kolej Burhanuddin Helmi is also known as Burhan or KBH which is named after a famous politician who was the president for PAS.
Some Burhan residents will call themselves “Buaya” as their slogan in the past orientation week (MMP) has always been calling themselves “Buaya”.
Burhan sits next to Kolej Ungku Omar, and Pusat Kesihatan is just opposite Burhan. It is considered very near to the UKM main entrance as compared to the others. Besides, the structure design of Burhan junior blocks for male and female are very special, because they are both formed by 4 blocks, like a square shape. The centre of the 4 blocks is an opened badminton court.
Kolej Burhanuddin Helmi


Pusat Kesihatan is just opposite of Burhan

BURHAN Blocks for Juniors

Badminton Court at the Middle of Junior Blocks

Inside Washroom of Blocks

[COM E]第五宿舍村 Kolej Ibrahim Yaakob  KIY


Kolej Ibrahim Yaakob一般上也被称为KIY。其命名是来自一名大力争取国家独立的先贤(详情:http://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibrahim_Yaakob )。由于坐落在一座山坡上,宿舍生传统以来也被昵称为“Highlander”。

KIY就在Kolej Ungku Omar 的对面,FST的学生顺着山走下去就可以到达学院上课了,距离十分近。

Kolej Ibrahim Yaakob, or KIY, is named after a warrior who fought for the independence of the country.[ for more information :http://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibrahim_Yaakob ]
The KIY residents are given the nickname as “Highlander” because the hostel is located on a slope.
KIY is opposite Kolej Ungku Omar while the FST students can reach their faculty by just walking down the slope.
KIY 路口转弯处[Intersection of KIY]


KIY Foyer

KIY Cafe

KIY 迷你公园 [KIY mini garden]

Overview of Hostel in KIY

[COM F]第六宿舍村 Kolej Rahim Kajai KRK



Kolej Rahim Kajai,也被学生们简称为 Kajai 或 KRK。其命名来自一位马来族的先贤 Abdul Rahim Kajai,被尊称为“马来报业之父”。(详情:http://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdul_Rahim_Kajai

KRK有着 Kolej Sukan 的名称。除了因为靠近Stadium,更是因为KRK拥有许多代表UKM、IPTMalaysia的运动健将。KRK就坐落在大学体育馆的对面,同时也与Kolej Ibu ZainKolej Dato Onn以及Kolej Tun Hussein Onn距离不远。由KRK步行到FSSK上课约需7-10分钟。

Kolej Rahim Kajai, known as Kajai or KRK, is named after Abdul Rahim Kajai, Father of Malay Press.[for more information: http://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdul_Rahim_Kajai ]
KRK is also called as Kolej Sukan, because it is near with UKM Stadium and there are many residents in KRK who are sport representatives for UKM, IPT, and even for Malaysia.
KRK is just opposite of the UKM Stadium and also in the neighbourhood of Kolej Ibu Zain, Kolej Dato’ Onn and Kolej Tun Hussein Onn. It takes only 7-10 minutes from KRK to FSSK by walking.

Intersection of KRK

KRK Front Entrance

KRK Office

KRK Cafe

Overview of Hostel in KRK

[COM G]第七宿舍村 Kolej Antarabangsa Ibu Zain KIZ/IZISH



Kolej Antarabangsa Ibu Zain也被简称为Ibu ZainKIZIbu Zain本名为Tan Sri Hajjah Zainon bte Munshi Sulaiman,是一名独立前后著名的女性教育家以及政治家。

本宿舍就坐落在一座小山丘上,在Kolej Rahim KajaiKolej Tun Hussein Onn 以及Kolej Dato Onn相近,一般上招收外国留学生较多。从KIZ通过楼梯走下去的话,就会到达FSSK了。

Kolej Antarabangsa Ibu Zain, also known as Ibu Zain or KIZ, named after Tan Sri Hajjah Zainon bte Munshi Sulaiman, a well-known female educationist and politician.[for more information : http://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibu_Zain ]
KIZ is on a hill, it is close with Kolej Rahim Kajai (KRK), Kolej Tun Hussein Onn (KTHO) and Kolej Dato’ Onn (KDO). KIZ recruits mostly foreign students. The KIZ residents can reach FSSK by walking down the stairs from KIZ. If KIY is the highest kolej in UKM, then KIZ has the longest staircase. And one more thing, KIZ has the most beautiful lanscape among UKM colleges.

KIZ Office


KIZ迷你花园[Mini garden]

Overview of Hostels in KIZ

