国大里当然绝对少不了运动爱好者们的运动场所了。我们有一个体育馆,常常有人在那里跑步、运动。球类爱好者,如:篮球、排球、Futsal、足球等等,别担心,大学里有一个大操场包含了以上所述的运动场。而且,一些宿舍村里都已经有自己的运动场所了,好像Kolej Keris Mas (KKM), Kolej Ungku Omar(KUO)和 Kolej Pendeta Za'ba(KPZ)。
Sports facilities in UKM, includes stadium, many students like jogging here at evening. And of course, sport lovers such as basketball, netball, futsal, soccer and so forth, no worry, UKM has a large field which consists of the fields mentioned above. By the way, some hostels in UKM, like KKM, KUO, KPZ ,has their own sport fields for UKM students.
Inside Stadium Universiti
Kompleks Squasy
-UKM里的壁球场所, 在Danau附近
-Squash complex in UKM, near Danau.
UKM Fields
Danau, 里头有一游泳池,还有一个高尔夫场。通常学生会到这里游泳,每次收费只需RM2.00。
There is a swimming pool and a golf course inside Danau. Students ussually swim here, only RM2.00 per person.
Danau 大门入口 [Entrance of Danau]
UKM Puri Pujangga
-A 3-star hotel inside UKM
Masjid Universiti [University Mosque]