

KPZ无水无电真相 [Truth about KPZ water and electricity disruption]

    上周六,Kolej Pendeta Za'ba 从早到晚面临无水无电的窘境。学生代表兼理事会代表,林国强同学于周一会见该宿舍的负责人,En.Nizam以详细了解实际情况。实情如下:
    该宿舍管理层在星期五的办公时间过后,即6点才收到Jabatan Pembangunan Penyelenggaraan通知     Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan的建筑工程将导致Za'ba在星期六的早上9点至傍晚6点面对电源干扰。而由于水泵需要电供进行操作,该断电问题也引致水供中断的现象。宿舍管理层在受到该通知时已经是办公时间过后,他们在传达该讯息时也面对问题。但是他们还是在宿舍村范围张贴了近30张相关启事。此外,管理层方面也发短讯通知住户们,但因为系统里的费用有限,他们无法寄发短讯予所有住户。

    Last Saturday, Kolej Pendeta Za'ba faced electricity and water supply disruption from morning till night. This Monday the student representative who is also CCC representative, Lum Kok Kiong met up with Za'ba manager, Encik Nizam to understand the situation. After the discussion, there are a few important things to take note.
    Za'ba management was given the surat pekeliling around 6pm on Friday from Jabatan Pembangunan Penyelenggaraan regarding disruption of electricity in Za'ba from 9am – 6pm on Saturday due to the construction work of Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan.The disruption of electricity caused no water supply as the pump could not function as usual.The moment when surat pekeliling was given was past office hours, so it lead to difficulties to the hostel management in sending out the message. But the management was still able to post 30 notices around residential area. Besides, the management had also sent SMS to students. Due to credit limitation in sending system, they were not able to send this message to all residents. That was why some students were not being informed by SMS.
    Lum suggests to the management to reload their credit in sending system and send SMS to all Za'ba residents whenever there is important announcement. 

1 条评论:

  1. lol...

    "lead to difficulties to the hostel management in sending out the message." jaksa and fello do wat?

    "Due to credit limitation in sending system, they were not able to send this message to all residents. " kpz so rich, lame excuse. Reload, or increase the phone or system la....

    Anyway, good job ccc....:)
