

校园安全课题 [Campus safety issue]

   由于接获学生投诉有关一名可疑男子没有用餐却在KTHO食堂逗留很久,并拿出手机鬼鬼祟祟地偷拍女生,理事会代表和该名学生前往Wisma Aman作出投报,希望当局提高警惕,加强该区巡逻。
   如果有进一步消息,理事会将在第一时间通知大家。理事会呼吁各位同学时时保持警惕,切记自身安全最重要,如果看到任何可疑人物,请在第一时间联络 Wisma Aman 03-89214444。祝大家出入平安!

   As we received student's complaint about a suspicious man stayed at KTHO cafe for a long time without having any meal, instead stealthily captured girls' photos, the Chinese Community Council (CCC) representatives had accompanied the student to lodge a report at Wisma Aman so that the authority could take note and highlight the above-mentioned zone.
   CCC will update everyone should there is further information. Please be cautious and contact Wisma Aman at 03-89214444 if anyone happens to see any suspicious people.

1 条评论:

  1. 大家注意安全,如果发现有人跟踪你们,一定要跑去多人的地方。
