在与理事会代表的会面当中,PAK的咨询与研讨副总监Dr. Jumali Haji Selamat正式向理事会确认,自最新的学期开始,PAK将推动全新的课外活动系统,也就是传闻已久的《学生学习合约(Learning Contract)》。此举也证实了理事会代表之前从其他校方官员得到的消息。
在最新的系统里,学生将不再被要求参与“上课式”的课外活动 (Kokurikulum Berasaskan Kuliah)。取而代之的将是学生所主办的活动将会被评估,以便给予学分认证。但凡被JPPel所批准的活动都可以向PAK申请学分认证,惟每个活动将需要委任各自的顾问。
1.)Sosial Dan Kepertanggungjawaban
3.)Pengurusan Maklumat dan Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat
4.)Nilai, Sikap, Etika dan Profesionalisme
5.)Pemikiran Kritikal, Penyelesaian Masalah dan Pendekatan Saintifik
6.)Kepimpinan dan Kerja Berpasukan
7.)Pengurusan dan Keusahawanan
8.)Kreatif dan Inovatif
欲申请各自的活动成为Learning Contract,其流程如下:
1.) 首先必须把活动计划书呈上给JPPel,并获得批准(Surat Kelulusan)。但凡获得批准的活动,都会获得一个活动编号(Kod Projek)。
2.)筹委会主席需向Pusat Akreditasi Kokurikulum (即原本的PPP)呈交另一份Kontrak Pembelajaran Kokurikulum的表格,若获得PAK的认证,该活动将被承认为Learning Contract,并为每个参与的成员建立一份合约。
(注:PAK正在开发一个新系统,自九月份开始,该份Kontrak Pembelajaran Kokurikulum只需上网填写就可以了。在那之前,得列印出来呈交上去“Daftar Secara Manual”)
3.) 获得认证的活动,将有权委任符合资格的人成为评估顾问(Penyelia)。一名评估员在一个活动中只可以评估不超过50人(上至筹委会主席,下至一般执委AJK)。如果活动人数太多,可委任多名评估员,并由其中一人成为主评估员(Penyelia Utama)。评估员将在活动进行时适时地参与以观察活动的进展。
i. 本校讲师
ii. 符合资格的校方官员(例:Pusat Kebudayaan的官 员等等)
iii. 校外人士 (须得先让PAK认证和批准其资格)
4.) 在活动结束以后,活动负责人(Ketua Projek)需呈交一份活动报告于PAK以及评估员(9月 份以后可通过系统网上上载),同时每被评估的成员也将需要呈交自己的报告予各自的评估员。
5.) 评估员对每个学生的8项HPPK进行评分。
叶志华(Alvin) 017-4981760
林建威(Kent) 012-9300362
During the meeting with CCC, Dr. Jumali has confirmed that starting the coming semester, PAK will be introducing a whole new co-curriculum system, or the Learning Contract (LC), which verifies the information obtained by CCC from other UKM officers before this.
In the latest system, students will not be required to participate in the lecture based co-curriculum (Kokurikulum Berasaskan Kuliah), replaced by assessing the activities organized by students for accreditation. Any activities approved by JPPel can apply for accreditation at PAK with the condition that every activity would have to appoint its advisor respectively.
Students will be assessed in the aspect of 8 HPPK as below:
1.)Sosial Dan Kepertanggungjawaban
3.)Pengurusan Maklumat dan Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat
4.)Nilai, Sikap, Etika dan Profesionalisme
5.)Pemikiran Kritikal, Penyelesaian Masalah dan Pendekatan Saintifik
6.)Kepimpinan dan Kerja Berpasukan
7.)Pengurusan dan Keusahawanan
8.)Kreatif dan Inovatif
Steps of applying Learning Contract for activity:
1.) Submit the activity proposal to JPPel and get approval (Surat Kelulusan). Every approved activity will be given a project code.
2.) The chairman of organizing committee has to submit another form of Kontrak Pembelajaran Kokurilum to PAK. If the activity is approved by PAK, it will be recognized as Learning Contract and contract with every participating member will be extablished.
(P/S: PAK is developing a new system, starting from September, students can fill in the Kontrak Pembelajaran Kokurikulum online for application after printing the documents and submitting to “Daftar Secara Manual”)
3.) Every approved activity has the rights to appoint eligible person as evaluator (penyelia). One evaluator can only assess not more than 50 people in an activity (Range from the chairman to AJK). Should the number of members are too many in the activity, more than one evaluator can be appointed with a leader among them (Penyelia Utama). The evaluator can moderately take part during the activity to observe the progress.
(P/S: Eligible person to be evaluator:
I. UKM lecturer
II. Eligible UKM officers (Eg: Officers from Pusat Kebudayaan)
III. Non UKM person (must be certified and approved by PAK)
4.) When the activity is over, person in-charge of the project (Ketua Projek) has to submit an activity report to PAK and evaluator (can be uploaded via the system after September). Every assessed member has to submit his/her own report to the evaluator respectively.
5.) The evaluator assesses every student based on the 8 HPPK.
Next on, CCC will update the marking method of this system.
By the time this blog post is uploaded, PAK has not told us clearly that which system would be followed by students in the coming semester who has participated in the HX co-curriculum system before this, but CCC will update the students with the latest information.
Should there is any enquiry, feel free to contact
Alvin Yap at 017-4981760
Kent Lim at 012-9300362