

世风日下人人自保系列一Personal safety series #3

(A)       强奸犯所选择的受害者类型:

 1 发型


2 衣着




4  地点





(B)       此外, 以下是从其他网站所获取的其他温馨提醒:


1.         不要轻易接受陌生人或新朋友的邀約。對于陌生人或新朋友送上的食物和饮料需保持警惕,因它可能含有毒品、麻醉藥或春藥。

2.         如果乘搭公共交通工具,避免乘搭少人或無人的公共交通工具,尽量选择与女性乘客同坐。

3.         在人多的時候乘搭升降机,避免单独進入升降機。

4.         把車停在明亮的地方,在泊车场取車時保持警惕,確保已將車匙準備好。如果觉得不安全,要求保安員陪同前往取車。

5.         建议随身携带合法的喷雾剂和辣椒粉在你的手提包。

6.         如果独自在家里的时候,不要让陌生人到你家。如果它是一个技术人员,请他们出示身份证和职员编号。若还有怀疑,可致电到有关单位询问。

7.         向强暴者说你有怀孕,攻击者可能会有同情心并停止对你下手。

8.         避免在夜间出门。如果您是独自在晚上出门,请确保你走的街道有路灯,许多人群,及至少有一位友人或家人陪同。在你的手携带您的手机,时常要确认有足够的电源及准备拨打的电话。

9.         如果您被拐进在行驶中的车辆,不要害怕,尽量想办法从车跳出来。虽然你会手臂骨折但是你能保住你的安全。






(A)  Review on what rapist look for a potential victim through a rapist's eyes


1) Hairstyle

They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, braid or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed. They are also likely to go after a woman with long hair. Women with short hair are not common targets.


2) Clothing

They will look for women whose clothing are easy to remove quickly. Many of them carry scissors around to cut clothing.


3) Awareness

They also look for women who are using their cell phones, searching through their purses or doing other things while walking because they are off guard and can be easily overpowered.

4) Location

The number one place women are abducted from / attacked at is shopping centers’ parking lots, back street and public restrooms.


5) Things on hand

They would not pick on women who have umbrellas, or other similar objects that can be used from a distance, in their hands.

Please protect yourselves. Do not let yourself be the next target.


(B)  Besides, here are some other rape prevention methods adopted from other websites:



1.      Do not simply accept the invitations of strangers or new friends. Be cautious or reject the offer of food and beverage from strangers or new friends, because it may contain drugs, narcotics or aphrodisiacs.

2.      If you travel by public transport, avoid boarding on public transport with few or no passengers. Try to sit beside female passengers.

3.      Take the lift which has many people, avoid taking the lift alone.

4.      Always park your car in a bright place. Make sure your car key is in your hand before heading to your car.

5.      Keep legal and advised types of sprays, pepper and chilli powder in your bag.

6.      When at home, play it safe by never letting strangers into your home. If it is a handyman, tell him you need to see a PHOTO ID and his truck. If you don't trust him,do not let him in. If he does not look you in the eyes, has a PHOTO ID, drives a truck with the company name on it, or wears a uniform, then it is suspicious. Do not let him into your home! Call the company while he waits outside.

7.      Tell your attacker you are pregnant. There is a possibility the attacker may feel sympathy or remorse and may stop the rape.

8.      Avoid going out at night. If you happen to be out at night, make sure it is a well-lit, crowded, main street and you are with at least one other person. Carry your cell phone in your hand and ready to make a call.

9.      If you are in a moving vehicle, do not be afraid to jump out. A broken arm is better than your life.

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