

Kolej Keris Mas新政策和规则(2017) [KKM new policies and rules]

近期,KKM (Kolej Keris Mas UKM)管理层推行了几项新政策和规则,当中包括Rukun Tetangga UKM,Home delivery和KKM DIY System。而这几项计划引起KKM的学生的不满,甚至质疑所推出的新政策和规则。
因此,国大华裔学生理事会与国大剑华学生会在2017年3月7日,早上10时与KKM的校长Dato Mat展开会议,传达学生们对此事的看法,并讨论新政策和规则的实行度。

Recently, KKM (Kolej Keris Mas UKM) has published some new policies and rules ( including Rukun Tetangga UKM,KKM DIY system and Home delivery). But this new planning has caused numerous arguments and confusion among students.
Therefore, CCC (Chinese Community Council UKM) and KTHKKM (Kelab Tiong Hwa Kolej Keris Mas)met the principle of the kolej, Dato Mat on Monday (7-3-2017) to have a discussion. 

1. Home delivery
Home delivery主要是想确保学生的食物来源的卫生和避免影响cafe的生意。CCC和KTHKKM向校长提出学生拥有购买食物的自由权,希望宿舍村管理层放宽这规则,让学生能在外订购食物。
经过一番讨论后,校长Dato Mat表示,只会对外带食物的学生给予口头上的警告而已,允许学生可以继续在外订购饭盒,但饭盒里不能含有猪肉。

The purpose of "Home delivery" is to ensure the hygiene of the sources of food delivery service. Besides, KKM wishes to encourage students to purchase at KKM café due to its guaranteed hygiene standard. However, CCC and KTHKKM claimed that students have their rights to purchase their meals from the desired areas and KKM should not inhibit students from getting their food outside of KKM café.
After some discussion, Dato Mat stated that KKM management will only give informal verbal warning for buying food from outside. However, any food containing pork ingredients from the food delivery service is strictly not allowed.

2. KKM DIY System

校长接纳CCC与KTH KKM的建议,不会强制学生被安排时间表来清洗厕所,而只会在每个厕所准备马桶刷和洗涤用具。如果厕所肮髒或异味,学生们可以自行清洗。

The purpose of this policy is to encourage students to maintain the cleanliness of toilets. Although  there are KKM cleaners cleaning every washroom according to the schedule, there are students still complaining the cleanliness of toilet. Therefore, KKM management decided to have washrooms more hygienic by arranging students to join the cleaning process. 
However, CCC disagreed with this policy because students need to spend their time in academic, co-curricular activities or even resting. They would have to sacrifice their precious time for the cleaning.
Dato Mat has accepted opinion from CCC and KTHKKM and he decided to prepare cleaning supplies in every washrooms so that students can clean the toilet if it's dirty and this is not compulsory.

3. Rukun Tetangga KKM

与KKM DIY system一样,CCC觉得此政策将影响学生们的睡眠时间,所以并不适用于学生。
校长Dato Mat则回应,每个KKM的学生只许在一个学期duty 3个小时而已,而duty时间有两个时段,分别是9pm - 12am和12am - 3am。学生们只需要在特定的宿舍单位站岗,不需巡逻整个宿舍村。他希望学生能够支持这项政策,一起来维护宿舍的安全。

Rukun Tetangga KKM aims to increase safety awareness in KKM campus.
CCC and KTHKKM have stated the same opinion (KKM DIY system) about students' time management to reform this policy.
But Dato Mat strongly advices student to give commitment in this policy to protect KKM campus together. Moreover, students only need to participate in this policy 1 time per semester and it's only 3 hours for each duty. There are two sections for students to choose their duty each day, which are 9pm-12am and 12am-3am.


