

为什么水是黄色的?Why yellowish water?

  从上个星期开始,位于Lingkungan Kedua的宿舍(KPZ, KIY)水源明显变黄。理事会代表已向 Jabatan Penyelenggaraan dan Pembangunan (JPP) 的助理工程师,En. Saifullah询问。En. Saifullah透露,经过查证,主要蓄水池的储水都非常清澈,相信水源变黄是因为经过上个星期当局修理主要蓄水池的浮球所造成的缺水之后,水源恢复正常时在主要蓄水池或宿舍蓄水池所产生的冲击力,让原本沉淀的锈迹飘浮起来。他估计锈迹再次沉淀需要两至三个星期。

  Water supply in zone two colleges (KPZ, KIY) has obviously turned yellow since last week. The CCC representative has consulted the Jabatan Penyelenggaraan dan Pembangunan (JPP) assistant engineer, Mr. Saifullah. According to him, water storage in the main reservoir is mirror clear and it is believed that the condition of water supply turning yellow is caused by water force towards the main reservoir or college one when water supply returned to normal after water shortage due to the repair of water tank float in main reservoir last week, which lead to the floating of rust. He estimates it will take two to three weeks to have our water supply back to crystal clear again.

Photo provided by Ng Ju Yin

