

考试温馨提醒 [Reminder for all UKM students]

1. 请大家在前往考试地点前已携带身份证学生证以及考试准证(slip peperiksaan)。
2. 考试的衣着必须是有衣领的上衣,最好为衬衫以及西装裤。牛仔裤和拖鞋是不被允许进入考场的。
3. 考试期间避免迟起身并提早30分钟出门乘搭巴士,以免错过了巴士而耽误了考试。
4. 若大家不幸错过了巴士而迟到,欢迎拨打理事会之学生代表热线。若情况允许,他们将协助载送各位前往考试地点。
       a. 施祖强  017-618 5462
       b. 林凯豪  016-940 9010
5. 考试期间所有巴士线将路经所有考试地点,学生们无需担心。
6. 若大家对考试地点不确定,尤其第一年生,欢迎留言询问,我们将一一为您解答。
7. 手机不被允许带入考场,违规者将被视为作弊,并褫夺考试资格,请大家紧记。
8. 请尽量避免携带贵重物品前往考试地点,以避免发生偷窃事件。

The final exam is just around the corner, the Chinese Community Council (CCC) wishes all students best of luck! Here are a few reminders for all UKM students during exam.
1. Make sure IC, Matrics Card and KMJP are with you before leaving for exam.
2. Proper attire (collar shirt and slacks) is necessary. Jeans and slippers are not allowed in the exam hall.
3. If you are taking public transport, like bus to the exam hall, do so 30 minutes earlier so that you won't miss the bus.
4. If you miss the bus, you may contact the following CCC student representatives. They would be glad to help if the condition allows.
       a. Sie Choo Keong   017 618 5462
       b. Lim Kai Hau     0169409010
5. The bus will pass by all exam venues, please rest assure.
6. If you are unsure about your exam venue, especially the 1st year students, you may leave a comment here and we would answer your query.
7. Mobile phone is strictly forbidden in the exam hall. Whoever breaks the rule is considered cheating in exam and will be deprived of exam qualification.
8. Avoid bringing valuables during exam to prevent theft cases.
** Lastly, drink more water and take good care of yourself, particularly in the exam period. =)

