


  依据学生的询问,理事会代表去了一趟国大资讯科技中心(Pusat Teknologi Maklumat)询问相关课题。依据Bahagian Pengurusan Rangkaian的负责人En. Mohd Hanafeyah说,要求校内的所有网络使用者安装该软件是PTM的新政策。
   En. Hanafeyah表示,由于之前的tetamu-ukm网络是不设防的,再加上许多使用者的电脑并没有安装防毒软件,造成了很多电脑病毒在该网络中散播。他也说,安装Cyber Gatekeeper的主要目的为确保学生电脑的防毒软件有定时更新,并且没有带有危害网络的电脑病毒,否则将会冒出警告或拒止其使用该网络,以保护其他网络使用者。
  理事会代表向En. Hanafeyah反映了学生的忧虑,包括该软件会否影响学生的私隐以及带有监控性。En. Hanafeyah解释说该软件的主要目的只是为了网络安全,并无其他目的。无论如何,他也说学校政策一向以来是不允许使用P2P软件,以免占用太多网络资源,影响他人上网。此项政策并没有改变。
  任何人如果有任何技术问题(如安装了无法上网)或疑问,可拨电En. Mohd Hanafeyah @ 03-8921 6162询问或致电任何一位理事会代表,让我们帮您反映。

  Since last Friday, students have not been able to connect to wifi hotspots of tetamu-ukm and the above page appears which requires students to download software, named CyberGatekeeper before being able to use the tetamu-ukm wifi.  
  The CCC representative had personally gone to Pusat Teknologi Maklumat to enquire about the relevant topic. According to the person-in-charge of Bahagian Pengurusan Rangkaian, En.Mohd Hanafeyah, it is the new policy of PTM to require all UKM internet users to install this software.  
  En.Hanafeyah said that, a great variety of virus spreading in the internet as the tetamu-ukm network was undefended and many users do not install antivirus software in their computers. He added, the main purpose of installing CyberGatekeeper is to ensure that the antivirus software in the students’ computers are always updated and do not spread virus. If otherwise, a warning or blocking alert will pop out to protect other internet users. 

  The CCC representative had conveyed the students’ worries to En.Hanafeyah whether the software will be invading the students’ privacy. He explained that the major concern of the software is just for website security without any other intention. Anyway, he also said that the policy of UKM is to disallow the usage of P2P software so as not to occupy too much internet source that affect others’ internet usage. Such policy is never changed. 
  Anyone with any technical problem (such as unable to connect after the installation) or enquiry may contact En.Mohd Hanafeyah @03-8921 6162 or any of the CCC representatives to bring out your problem.


YES 4G网络终于进驻UKM了![The YES 4G is finally coming to UKM!]

国大生引颈长盼的Yes 4G 网络已经确定将于今年进驻我校了!
  在本会代表与Pusat Teknologi Maklumat官员的会面中,对方向本会代表证实国民大学校方日前已经与Yes 4G营运商签订了合作意向书(Memorandum)。这同时也表示,国大将成为继理大、马大、工大、博大、拉曼大学、拉曼学院、世纪大学学院之后,第八所与Yes 4G签订Education Partner Program合作协议的国内大专。

  根据该项意向书,安装工作将会在八月正式开始,并预计会在今年的年尾可以完成安装。届时,国大生将会享有与其他大专一样以特别价购买Yes 4G配套的优惠。此外,所有国大的学生每月也将享有免费的300MB使用量。该网络不止或覆盖国大万宜总校(Kampus Bangi),也将覆盖吉隆坡分校(Kampus KL)和蕉赖医学院分校(Pusat Perubatan UKM Cheras)。


The long-awaited Yes 4G will be formally introduced in UKM this year!
  During the meeting between the CCC representative and officer of Pusat Teknologi Maklumat, it is confirmed that the UKM has signed a memorandum with the Yes 4G Operator which states that UKM is the eighth local higher education institution to sign the Education Partner Program Agreement with Yes 4G after USM, UM, UTM, UPM, UTAR, TARC and Segi University College.
  According to the agreement, the installation will begin in August and it is estimated to accomplish in the end of the year. UKM students will enjoy privilege of buying Yes 4G packages with special price, just like other higher education institutions. All UKM students will also be enjoying free usage of 300MB. Yes 4G covers not only the main campus in Bangi, but also KL campus and Pusat Perubatan Cheras campus.

For more details, visit:


[校园时事] 理工学院发生什么事了???[Campus Current Issue] What happened in FST???

  7月26日早上,当理事会代表经过理工学院时,只见现场被严密封锁,国大保安员驻守在学院斜坡入口,多辆消防车和救护车停在Dewan Anuwar Mahmud (DAM)附近。除了消防员和医护人员,多位警方人员也在现场维持秩序。

  When the CCC representative passed by the FST in the morning of 26th July, the scene was sealed off, with the UKM security guarding the entrance at the slope of FST, a number of fire engines and ambulances parking nearby Dewan Anuwar Mahmud (DAM). Apart from firemen and medical personnel, several policemen were there keeping their eyes on the scene.
  Upon inquiry, a chemical spill accident practice was taking place to train the authorities' ways of coping with such accident and to educate the public with related knowledge as well as to raise their awareness. The practice had showed the roles of policemen,firemen and medical personnel during chemical spill accident. Over one hundred people gathered at the scene, unable to take their eyes off.


[校园时事] 有关大约20% FEP最后一年学生的实习尚未得到成绩 [Campus Current Issues] Around 20% of FEP final year students have not got industrial training results

 鉴于有数位学生的投诉指出,大约20%的经济与工商管理学院(FEP)最后一年生将实习报告(Laporan Latihan Industri)交了上去一段时间却尚未得到成绩,理事会代表已经两次前往FEP向其查询。
 第一次查询时,院方表示是因为学生各自的讲师迟了将评分交上去给院方,造成了有一批同学的实习成绩来不及在学院会议(Mesyuarat Fakulti)和大学最高会议(Mesyuarat Senat)中通过,惟院方之后将会召开第二次会议来通过此项事项。

 As the CCC received complaints from a number of students that around 20% of FEP final year students have not obtained their results after  submitting their Industrial Training reports (Laporan Latihan Industri) for quite a long time,  the CCC representative had gone twice to seek further information from the FEP faculty.
 During the first time, the authority said that the respective lecturers had been late to submit their scores to the faculty which caused the Industrial Training results of a group of students barely had time to be approved in the FEP faculty meeting and also the UKM senate meeting. However, the faculty will call a second meeting for the authorization of this matter.
 When the CCC representative went to ask again, according to the FEP faculty, the second batch of results have been approved in the faculty meeting and are now waiting for approval in the UKM senate meeting which will be held in early August and it is sure that everything will be approved before the convocation so that it would not affect the graduation. The CCC has also found out that nobody who has yet to receive the result has failed the industrial training. Please rest assured!


新生看透透系列二之国大各宿舍学院网站及总校与分校地图[Series of UKM Info--- #2:Websites of colleges and faculties cum map of UKM Bangi]

UKM Bangi: (http://www.ukm.my/) 
First college (A) - Kolej Dato' Onn 
Second college (B) - Kolej Aminuddin Baki (http://www.ukm.my/kab/)
Third college(C) - Kolej Ungku Omar (http://www.ukm.my/kuo/)
Fourth college (D) - Kolej Burhanuddin Helmi (http://www.ukm.my/kbh/)
Fifth college (E) - Kolej Ibrahim Yaakub (http://www.ukm.my/kiy/)
Sixth college (F) - Kolej Rahim Kajai (http://www.ukm.my/krk/)
Seventh college (G) - Kolej Antarabangsa Ibu Zain (http://www.ukm.my/izish/)
Eighth college (H) - Kolej Keris Mas (http://www.ukm.my/kkm/)
Ninth college (L) - Kolej Pendeta Za'ba (http://www.ukm.my/kpz/)
Twelfth college (Z) - Kolej Tun Hussein Onn (http://www.ukm.my/ktho/)

UKM KL campus:
Tenth college (W) - Kolej Tun Syed Nasir (http://www.ukm.my/ktsn/ ) 

UKM Cheras Campus
Eleventh college (W) - Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail (http://www.ukm.my/ktdi/)

UKM Bangi External Campus

Thirteen college - Kolej Idris Al Marbawi (http://www.ukm.my/kiam/)

UKM Bangi Location: 

UKM KL Campus Location :

Faculties in UKM
Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan (FEP) http://www.ukm.my/fep/
Fakulti Farmasi (Farmasi) http://www.ukm.my/farmasi/
Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina (FKAB) http://www.ukm.my/jurutera/eng​lish/
Fakulti Pendidikan (FPend) http://www.ukm.my/fpendidikan/
Fakulti Pengajian Islam (FPI) http://www.ukm.my/fpi/
Fakulti Pergigian(FPERG) http://www.ukm.my/fperg/
Fakulti Perubatan (PPUKM) http://www.ppukm.ukm.my/
Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi (FST) http://www.ukm.my/fst/
Fakulti Sains Kesihatan(FSKB) http://www.fskb.ukm.my:8080/fs​kb/
Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan (FSSK) http://www.fssk.ukm.my/
Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat (FTSM) http://www.ftsm.ukm.my/
Fakulti Undang-undang (FUU) http://www.ukm.my/fuu/
Pusat Pengajian Siswazah Perniagaan(UKMGSB) http://www.ukm.my/gsbukm/

Map of UKM Bangi :


新生看透透系列一之欢迎加入国大![ Series of UKM Info--- #1:Welcome to UKM!]


  The Chinese Community Student Committee (CCC) would be delighted to congratulate all UKM students to be! Welcome to UKM!
  Today, you have reached a new chapter in your life. The University is a total different environment if compared with secondary school life and matriculation. In the University, we have the autonomy to manage our own lives and have more freedom and choices on learning, without having to be limited on textbooks only. The University students are exposed to the society, such as business elite, organization leaders, politicians and so on, through various activities organized. In other word, you absolutely have the opportunity to be in touch with something entirely different if you are willing to take part in activities in the University!
  Again, WELCOME! What awaiting in the campus is not only colourful and fascinating campus life, but also seniors who are ready to offer helps at anytime!

部落格: ccc-ukm.blospot.com

第二十九届国民大学华裔学生理事会 全体同仁

叶志华  017-498 1760
FB     : leaf_alvin@hotmail.com

吴端元  :  016-9150159
唐香云  :016-7175038

林国强  :017-7508408

林建威  :012-9300362
莫国豪  :016-3244505
黄绍敏  :017-9139633
陈羽雯  :012-7795573
林凯豪  :016-9409010
  The Chinese Community Student Committee (CCC) is a cultural and welfare organization mainly formed by the UKM Chinese Students, aiming at uniting the Chinese students, improving the students’ rights to speak, defending the students’ welfare and rights as well as raising the students’ social awareness. Despite the formation of CCC is based on the Chinese welfare, the CCC committee members serve students in spite of races and put efforts to achieve cultural mutual understandings between races so that other races can be exposed to the Chinese Culture.
  Subordinates of the CCC are five small groups and two cultural activities, which are the Projek Kelas Mandarin, Creative Lane, Welfare and Community Service Unit, Study Vestibule and Study Guidance in the categories of small groups while Pesta Tanglung and Pesta Ang Pow are the two cultural activities. Apart from the CCC, there are also a lot of activities, such as Tionghwa Clubs in colleges and pusat , uniformed groups like PALAPES, SUKSIS, BSMM and many more which worth you explore!
  For more news, please keep track with our blog and FB. We will keep on updating more details to introduce you the campus environment of UKM with photos and also information about different types of activities, scholarships and so on.

FB: www.facebook.com/ukmccc
Blog: ccc-ukm.blogspot.com
Stay Tuned!

Sincerely from,
The 29th Chinese Community Student Committee UKM

Any enquiry, feel free to contact:
Alvin Yap                  : 017-4981760
FB                             : leaf_alvin@hotmail.com
Wu Tuan Yuan          : 016-9150159
Kelly Tong                : 016-7175038
Lum Kok Kiong         : 017-7508408
Kent Lim                   : 012-9300362
Wilfred Mok              : 016-3244505
Wong Siew Mun        : 017-9139633
Tan Yi Wen               : 012-7795573
Lim Kai Hau              : 016-9409010
Warmest Welcome From CCC!


国大第三十九届毕业典礼 [The 39th UKM Convocation]


   The 39th UKM Convocation will be held from 22/9/2011 until 27/9/2011. Graduation is not the end of a book, yet it is the beginning of a whole new chapter you are about to write! The Chinese Community Students Committee would like to congratulate on your graduation and send our warmest wishes for your great future!


国大最后一年生请注意![Attention to UKM final year students!]

七月十一日当天,国大华裔学生理事会盟友,Aspirasi学生代表--- Muein Abadi亲赴Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik UKM询问有关最后一年生获取成绩副本和毕业证明信件的方法,以方便他们能够在即将于九月举行的第三十九届毕业典礼前申请工作。方法如下:
3.符合以上两个条件的同学可以在七月十二日的考试成绩出炉后,前往位于Canselori行政大楼第四层的Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik领取有关成绩副本和毕业证明信件。
4.居住于砂拉越,汶莱等距离国大比较遥远的同学,可以写信到Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik UKM,索取本身的成绩副本和毕业证明信件。相关同学需附上价值十令吉的汇票作为成绩副本的费用,抬头请写Bendahari UKM (注:不是Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik UKM),毕业证明信件则不会征收任何费用。
5Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik UKM免费邮寄有关文件予使用邮寄方式的同学。
(消息来源:Aspirasi学生代表—Muein Abadi

On 11th July 2011, the Chinese Community Council’s ally, student representative of Aspirasi--- Muein Abadi had personally gone to Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik UKM to enquire about the way how final year students can obtain their transcripts and graduation confirmation letters for their job applications before the 39th convocation in the coming September. It is as following:
1.     Ensure all debts or fees are paid.
2.     Make sure that all required units of your program are cleared.
3.     Student who fulfils the above-mentioned condition can get your transcript and graduation confirmation letter from Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik at level 4 of Canselori after the final exam result is out on 12th July.
4.     Student, who lives far from UKM, such as Sarawak, Brunei and so on, can write to Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik UKM to request for your transcript and graduation confirmation letter. The relevant student needs to attach postal order worth RM10 on the name of Bendahari UKM (P/S: NOT Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik UKM) for transcript while the graduation confirmation letter is FREE of charge.
5.     Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik UKM will post the related documents to the above-mentioned student at NO charge.
Please share this news with as many UKM final year students as possible. Happy Graduation!
(Source: Aspirasi’s student representative--- Muein Abadi)