

断水的校园 [Campus troubled by water shortage]

   近几日,国大生 饱受水供中断困扰,苦不堪言。国大华裔学生理事会深知事态严重,除了多次致电有关当局询问并促请当局尽快采取行动解决断水之苦。今早,理事会兼学生代表,吴端元同学亲自前往Jabatan Pembangunan dan Penyelenggaraan 会见有关工程师,En. Mohd. Fidaus了解详情。
    En. Mohd. Fidaus透露,此次断水问题对于水源来自Hulu Langat的Lingkungan Kedua之宿舍(KIY, KPZ)并没有影响,受到波及的是水源来自Semenyih的Lingkungan Pertama之宿舍(KAB, KDO, KTHO, KBH, KIZ, KKM, KUO, KRK)。实际上,Semenyih地区在12月30日起已经面对水供中断,只是当时国大校园里仍有储水,才不致于断水。然而,Semenyih水供问题未能解决,直至1月3日,国大校园的储水已经用完,再加上系统问题,所有Lingkungan Pertama之宿舍也全面断水。    
    En. Mohd. Fidaus也说,有关水供在今早(5/1)五点开始恢复正常,宿舍地区较低者将会先受益。截至目前(1pm),KDO和KTHO是首先恢复水供的宿舍,KAB将会是最后得到水供的宿舍,并预计国大水供将在明天回复正常。他说,目前水源正在注满国大储水箱,KAB在储水箱达到2.5m时才会有正常水源供应,但是根据En. Mohd Fidaus所说,有关储水箱的水位目前只达1m,并在巡视校园时发现过半的水喉都在漏水。因此他呼吁国大生为了让KAB住户早日得到水供,要节俭用水,并时时关上水龙头,不然KAB将在明天才会得到正常水供。
     理事会在此感谢Jabatan Pembangunan dan Penyelenggaraan 在断水期间所做的努力,包括安排UKM和SYABAS水车进入校园和在KUO安置Tangki Biru等等,以纾缓学生断水困扰。理事会也呼吁全体国大生稍安勿躁,在考试的压力下,也别忘了节省用水,为自己为朋友,打造一个更美好的国大校园。

    Over these few days, the UKM students have been suffering water shortage. The Chinese Community Council (CCC) has phoned the authority several times for details and solutions. This morning, the CCC representative who is also student representative, Wu Tuan Yuan has met the relevant engineer from Jabatan Pembangunan dan Penyelenggaraan, En. Mohd. Fidaus in person for more details.
    According to En. Mohd. Fidaus, the water disruption has no influence on colleges in Linkungan Kedua (KIY, KPZ) which water source is from Hulu Langat while colleges in Lingkungan Pertama (KAB, KDO, KTHO, KBH, KIZ, KKM, KUO, KRK) which water source is from Semenyih are greatly affected. In fact, Semenyih has been troubled by water disruption since 30th December while UKM did not face any problem as there was still water storage in the campus. However, the problem was not solved until 3rd January where all water storage in UKM ran out and some system problems occurred which lead to water disruption of all colleges in Lingkungan Pertama.
    En. Mohd. Fidaus also said, water supply starts to resume its normal state at 5am this morning (5/1) and colleges in low-lying area will get water supply first. Until now (1pm), KDO and KTHO has got their water while KAB will be the last college and it is estimated that water supply in UKM will be back to normal by tomorrow. He added, the water is filling the water-storage tanks in UKM and KAB will have water supply only after the water level has reached 2.5m. But the water level has only reached 1m and he also found more than half water pipes in the campus are leaking. Thus, he hopes all students could use water wisely and turn the pipes off all the time or KAB will only resume its water supply tomorrow.
    The CCC wishes to convey gratitude towards Jabatan Pembangunan dan Penyelenggaraan for their efforts done to ease the water shortage issue, by sending UKM and SYABAS water tankers into the campus, placing Blue Tanks in KUO and so on. The CCC also hopes that the students could remain calm under such difficult condition. Always save water, for the sake of yourself and your friends. All the best to your final exam!

Link: http://ewarga1.ukm.my/ewarga/ (Status Gangguan Bekalan Air)


考试温馨提醒 [Reminder for all UKM students]


The final exam is just around the corner, the Chinese Community Council (CCC) wishes all students best of luck! Here are a few reminders for all UKM students during exam.
1. Make sure IC, Matrics Card and KMJP are with you before leaving for exam.
2. Proper attire (collar shirt and slacks) is necessary. Jeans and slippers are not allowed in the exam hall.
3. If you are taking public transport, like bus to the exam hall, do so 30 minutes earlier so that you won't miss the bus.
4. If you miss the bus, you may contact the following CCC student representatives. They would be glad to help should the condition allows.
     i. Wu Tuan Yuan             016-9150159
    ii. Lum Kok Kiong            017-7508408
   iii. Wilfred Mok Kok Hoe   016-3244505
    iv. Kent Lim Keng Wei      012-9300362
5. The bus will pass by all exam venues, please rest assure.
6. If you are unsure about your exam venue, especially the 1st year students, you may leave a comment here and we would answer your query.
7. Mobile phone is strictly forbidden in the exam hall. Whoever breaks the rule is considered cheating in exam and will be deprived of exam qualification.
8. Avoid bringing valuables during exam to prevent theft cases.
** Lastly, drink more water and take good care of yourself, particularly in the exam period.