

社会治安亮红灯,自我保护意识要提升!Public Order Alarming, Personal Safety Strengthening!


31/3/2013(星期日)凌晨12点左右, 有位在籍的女国大生遭遇了一宗非礼事件。据当事人在面子书公开表示,当时她独自在UKM KTM站附近的新建巴士站等候巴士。不久,一辆车路过并停了下来。车子载有3个陌生的巫裔男人,据当事人所说他们似乎喝了酒。三个巫裔男人不停的骚扰当事人,而当事人也没理会他们三人。突然,前座及后座的两的巫裔男人恼羞成怒的下车并且企图把当事人拐上车去。那两个巫裔男人硬把当事人推进车子。当时,她上半身已被推进车子里,而下半身还在车外。当事人不停的挣扎。他们也大力的捉着当事人的手臂,并一直非礼当事人。这个时候,一辆开着高灯的车子从远处开来。三个巫裔男人慌张之下把当事人推出车外后便猛踩油门逃走了。据悉当事人当时非常害怕而且事发地点灯光不足所以没能记起车牌号码及三个巫裔男人的长相。过后,她就独自一人半跑半走的回到宿舍。在事发的过程中,路过的车子并没有停下给以当事人帮助。第二天,当事人在一班友人的陪同下到加影警察局报案及加影医院验伤。


防卫器具可以简单地分为物理防御工具和告警工具两类。前者包括感官刺激类(如强光手电和喷雾器),刃器类(如小刀和酷巴藤)和钝器类(如甩棍)。感官刺激类器具的好处是见效快,成功率高(没有人能抵抗辣椒喷雾对呼吸道的刺激),缺点是操作相对复杂,受条件限制较多(强光手电在非 暗处不好用,辣椒喷雾则不适用于刮风下雨天)。刃器类器具的好处是有致命威慑力,缺点是女性容易下不了手去用,被夺了还容易要自己的命。当然,这些防身器 具都存在不好掏出来的问题:随身携带当然不妥,放在包里,可能用的时候来不及去拿。


Public Order Alarming, Personal Safety Strengthening

On 31st March 2013, a female UKM student was waiting for bus at a bus stop near UKM KTM Station. While waiting for the bus, a car with 3 Malay men approached and accosted her. She didn’t bother/ignore them but they didn’t stop disturbing her. They got angry and two of them came out from the car and tried to force her into the car. She struggled and tried to escape but the men managed to stop her. While she was trying to escape, the men took the chance to molest her. According to the victim, the men were suspected drunk as the car had a thick scent of alcohol. At that instance, a car from the opposite lane with the hazard lights on as the road is dark had alerted the Malays. At last, they stopped their attempt and pushed her out from the car. That was why she managed to escape before any tragedy happens

To all UKM students especially female, please be highly alert of the surroundings, such as strangers around you especially when you are alone and particularly when it’s late night. Below are some useful tips for your reference.

Anti-rape device is very useful when it is under critical situation.

It can be divided into two types, that is physical defensive tool and alerting tool. The physical defensive tool includes sensory stimulation (such as a bright flashlight and sprayers), edges type (such as knives and bar vine) and blunt type (such as rejection stick).  Pros of sensory stimulation of the devices is its fast and high success rate (no one can resist the pepper spray respiratory irritation),however the drawback is that the operation is relatively complex, subjects more to condition(Flashlight does not function well in non-dark places while pepper spray does not function well during windy and rainy day). The advantage of the edges type devices could offer a deadly deterrent while the disadvantage is that woman might not handle it with care and might cause danger to herselfOf course, the major problem is it's troublesome to pick out when needed.

The thing we should be more concerned is the sense of self defense and the necessity of learning self defense skills.